Clothing banks and thrift stores provide an assortment of free or low-cost clothing items, depending on donations. These clothing services usually offer clothing, shoes, accessories and household items. In addition, clothing banks and thrift stores may be able to order items for children from other outlets, making them a resource for infant and children’s clothes.
Meals Counseling Education Homeless Shelters Childcare Day Shelters Substance Abuse Women's Shelters Clothing Health Overnight Shelters
0832 227 59970832 227 5997
With a view of helping more street children at risk, Stepping Stones, our second Day Care Shelter...
0832 246 10680832 246 1068
Goa Marathon is an annual event organized to raise awareness, provide homes and hope for underpri...
People have plenty to give and people are plenty who don’t have even a meal a day or a Litr...