Usually segregated between men, women and families, overnight shelters attempt to offer clean, safe shelter to get through the night. Individuals are often assigned a bed and a locker and meet with a case manager to discuss their needs. Some overnight shelters close during the day, while other shelters stay open around the clock. These homeless shelters close during the day and usually expect people to stay elsewhere, returning only to sleep or eat. Call ahead to verify bed availability and hours of operation.
Meals Counseling Education Homeless Shelters Childcare Day Shelters Substance Abuse Women's Shelters Clothing Health Overnight Shelters
0832 227 59970832 227 5997
With a view of helping more street children at risk, Stepping Stones, our second Day Care Shelter...
The El Shaddai Charitable Trust is a registered, non-profit Charity working in Goa and other Stat...