Day shelters are drop-in centers for the homeless, offering opportunities for information, counseling and referral to social services agencies. Day shelters also often provide showers and toilet facilities, personal hygiene supplies and laundry facilities, tenant advocacy and sometimes, light medical treatment. Typical supplies may consist of laundry soap, razors, shampoo, soap, socks, deodorant, tooth brushes and tooth paste.
Meals Counseling Education Homeless Shelters Childcare Day Shelters Substance Abuse Women's Shelters Clothing Health Overnight Shelters
0832 227 59970832 227 5997
With a view of helping more street children at risk, Stepping Stones, our second Day Care Shelter...
098817 84338098817 84338
We aim to provide the basics of health care to promote a healthier childhood and will be here to ...
The El Shaddai Charitable Trust is a registered, non-profit Charity working in Goa and other Stat...